Tag Archives: trail history project

Trail History Project

I have skied at Bolton Nordic Center since High School- when Gardner Lane ran the place out of that great little cabin near the top of Broadway. But it was not until I started working here last year and spent time with the Old Goats that I begin to wonder about the history of the trails. When were they built? Who built them? What were they named after? These are all questions I would like to answer with the Trail History Project.

The goal is to begin to collect this information and see where it takes us. I would like to hear from anyone | everyone who knows about the trails at Bolton Valley. Give us a call, send an email, write a note on the back of a photograph and put it in the mail. And you can also comment on this blog. We would love to hear what you know and remember about this great natural resource. I’ve got to get back to clearing trails. Liz

Check out the website of the New England Lost Ski Areas Project |link here|