Tag Archives: ski patrol

Ski Patrol of the Week

Ann Gotham

img_5185nsplogo1Favorite Condiment: Olive Oil and Balsamic vinegar
Favorite Pair of Shoes: My T-2s of course in the winter.  In the summer, Flip Flops.
Are you Hardcore? Nah, In fact my belly could stand a bit of firming
Ideal spot to ski? The woods at and around BV. Not so keen about the alpine trails.
Do you have a pet? What? Heck no.  The poor thing would suffer from extreme neglect!  But let me introduce you to my pet rocks!
Last book read? “Dreams of My Father” By Barack Obama.  Work related info. And I confess, I read Vanity Fair, where I get my gossip/junk fix.
Favorite Planet? Earth
How long have you been on the Bolton Ski Patrol? I think 6 years… Who’s counting?
What is your favorite part about being on the Ski Patrol? Skiing in the woods on Saturdays, with my ski patrol buddy, Hope. Giving directions with a friendly smile, keeping the trails free of debris. Skiing all those “not a trails” to get first hand knowledge of terrain (You never know… May come in handy some day)
How many years have you been skiing? Not enough.
How many pairs of skis do you have? 3 (Skinny skis, alpine skis, wax less back
country skis)
Favorite pair of skis? My Karhu Guides

For more info about Nordic Ski Patrol and Staff click here or go to our meet the staff page.

Nordic Ski Patrol of the Week

Martin Wolf

nsplogoFavorite Condiment? Ramses.
Favorite Pair of shoes? Do you mean what’s my favorite FOOT GEAR? My Garmont Veloce boots.  Warm, comfortable, and strong enough to drive my skis.
Where you go Monday Morning? To my other love, my work designingdsc_0134 environmental products at Seventh Generation.  And the view of Lake
Champlain and the Adirondacks from my office isn’t bad, either!
Do you have a pet? What?
I have PET and HDPE, too.
Are you hardcore? Caramel. actually.
Ideal spot to ski? On the snow.
Last book you read? Changes weekly.
Favorite Planet? This jewel we live on called Earth.
How long have you been on the Bolton Ski Patrol? About  2 years.
What is your favorite part about being on the Ski Patrol?
That sense of satisfied exhaustion after a day in the backcountry with good friends. Helping others is icing on the cake.
How many years have you been skiing? Five. Not nearly enough!
How many pairs of skis do you have? One pair for each year I’ve been
skiing.  I use three pairs (one on piste, two backcountry), but never at the
same time.
Favorite pair of skis? The ones on my feet.

Nordic Ski Patrol of the Week

We are starting a new weekly post to introduce you to our hard working Nordic Ski Patrol who are part of the Bolton Valley Patrol.  Our Nordic specific volunteer patrol work weekends and we depend on the main patrol on weekdays.  The patrol has a large variety of roles, patrolling events, trail clearing, helping lost/injured skiers.  Next time you see a patrol in the lodge or on the trail don’t forget to say hi.

Chris Ford

nsplogoFavorite Condiment? Honey Mustard — sweet and spicy
Favorite Pair of shoes? I’m a utilitarian with respect to shoes.
Where you go Monday Morning? To my job that pays the bills and allows me to ski on the weekend.
Do you have a pet? What? We have three dogs, my wife claims that the Siberian Husky is mine as he only listens to me.hardcore
Are you hardcore? I’m hardcore at/with things that I think are important.
Ideal spot to ski? Not too steep in the woods with powder. There are plenty of places at Bolton that fit this description. Some are on the map, some aren’t……
last book you read? I’m not a big reader of books.
Favorite Planet? I’d have to say Earth, although Mars and Venus are pretty cool when you can see them in the night sky.
How long have you been on the Bolton Ski Patrol? This is my third year.
What is your favorite part about being on the Ski Patrol? Helping other people.
How many years have you been skiing? Off and on for 30 years.
How many pairs of skis do you have? Favorite pair of skis? 5 – I’m really enjoying my Karhu Guides.

Are you interested in joining the Bolton Ski Patrol?  Give us a call or contact Keith Chase, Ski Patrol Director. 434-6890

More information online at the National Ski Patrol website.

And remember you can learn lots more about everyone that works at Bolton Nordic by visiting our Meet the Staff page.

Ski Patrol Refresher Weekend

This weekend is Refresher for the Bolton Ski Patrol.  And this includes Alpine and Nordic Patrol.   Sat and Sun were our coldest mornings so far this year with temps in the 20s.  The Patrol had a chance to come visit the Nordic Center on Sunday.  So fun to see everyone and make plans for this winter.

Nordic Patrol enjoying a beautiful day on the Mtn.  And Traven (3rd from right) is showing off the NEW Patrol Jackets.

Ice Storm Pics

Ski Report: by Liz

There was a pretty significant Ice Storm at Bolton Saturday March 8 . . . we have mostly recovered, but there is still lots of ice in the trees. Anne Gotham (ski patrol) and I went out in the backcountry to survey the damage and do some clearing this past Saturday. Here are some photos of our adventures.

ann surveying the damage

On Heavenly Highway we realized pretty quick that there was about 1/2″ of ice still on the trees and 1-2″ of snow on top of that. Ann thought it looked like an ice castle.

ice on trees

Lots of cool icicles on the trees.

Paradise Pass Sign

Ann and I took some stops along the way to make note of the snowpack…. in summer this Paradise Pass Trail sign is way overhead. There is 4-5 feet of snow around this sign.
ice on trees #2

More ICE….

cutting trees

We stopped along the way, got out the saw and cleared some debris from the trails. Trails are clear now… thanks to everyone who moved branches, knocked ice off branches, cut small trees and made the trails ski passable.

ice on buds

A close-up photo of the ice on branches and buds . . .

bryant in march

On the way back down the Catamount Trail we stopped at Bryant Cabin- the snow is up to the windows and the front door is down in a snow hole. March is a great time to rent the cabin for a night or two. Give us a call to reserve a night.

The ice is still on the trees– come on up for a ski or snowshoe and check it out. LH